Steward Volunteers

In this team-based role, you will be helping the NHS with COVID-19 vaccination programmes. Steward Volunteers ensure the smooth running of vaccination sites.

Sign up to be a Volunteer Responder

This activity at vaccination sites ensures the smooth arrival and guiding of people coming in for vaccinations. No experience or qualifications are required. Read the Getting You Started Guide for Stewards volunteering activity.

You will be part of a team at a vaccination site, assisting other volunteers and NHS teams to deliver the vaccination programme. A support team is on hand to provide you with a full briefing and any help or guidance you might need as a Volunteer Responder.

You will be provided with a Hi-Vis jacket and expenses will be covered.

A DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) is not required for this role, although you will be asked to declare any unspent convictions as part of the application process.

In addition to our FAQS for signing up, you can find out more about volunteering in our FAQs for Volunteer Responders and information to support you in your activities in our fact sheets.

Volunteer Responder Chitra

Chitra's story

Read about Steward Volunteer Chitra