FAQs for referring organisations

Connect pilot activity

What information should I include in the referral form for the connect activity?

Our referral guidance includes all the information you should need to log your referral. In the free text box it is helpful to include details about the person’s home such as, if there are any pets at the property, if there will be anyone else at the property, does the person smoke and any other information that will help the volunteer. We ask you to include this so that volunteer can assess if they are able to support i.e. they might have an allergy to pet hair.

Can I place a referral for a volunteer to support a person every day of the week?

Referrals can be made as a one-off support task once a week, or a once-a-week visit for up to 6 weeks. This activity is not intended to replace the work of paid employees or care staff. You could also refer the person for other support such as Check In and Chat if you think they would benefit from this.

Can volunteers help with chores or personal care?

Volunteers cannot support people with personal care. Please see our list of acceptable and not acceptable tasks.

How do I find out if the referral is being fulfilled every week?

Login to your GoodSAM dashboard where you can check if your referrals are being fulfilled. There is guidance on our website to support you or if you have any queries, please contact our Support Team on 0808 196 3382 who will be able to support you.  

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Page last reviewed: 01 December 2023